
Koha home

Welcome to the electronic catalogue of the "K.Th. Dimaras" Library of Science, Technology, and Culture of the National Hellenic Research Foundation.

In this catalogue, you may browse the library collection and locate material of interest. The collection primarily comprises scientific journals, books, reference works (i.e. encyclopedias and dictionaries), databases and other academic resources.

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If you do not have an external account, but do have a local account, you can still log in:

Please, contact Library at library@eie.gr for creating a new user account (if you are a new NHRF researcher or scientific partner) or if you face any problem in the login process.

Reading Room Opening Hours



Monday – Friday
09:00 - 15:30

48 Vas. Constantinou Ave.
11635, Athens


Website: http://eie.gr/library-en.html
Tel. +30
Email:  library@eie.gr